30 Day Photo Challenge

Join us in our first 30 day photo challenge!  We will be posting our individual pics each day, you can follow along with us, or just check our progress :) If you decide to join us, please link your pics in the comments below so we can check them out. 

Have fun!!


Day 3- Weather

3rd day!  We are a tenth of the way through :) Today's challenge is weather.  Living in Northern California, we aren't experiencing very much as far as inclement weather goes, just sunshine and puffy clouds :)  I know, poor us! So here is what we came up with, from the backyard.  Camera was set at f 5.0, shutter @ 1/500 and ISO @ 200.  What do you think?


Day 2- Dark

So here we are with day 2 of our photo challenge. The assignment was dark, and we took it past the literal sense, of lacking light, and instead captured it as an emotion, or a look. So here are our results. Kayla was the shooter and each of us did an edit from our own perspectives. We used a 50mm lens on a tripod, with only the available light in the room: f 2.8, shutter @ 1/20 and ISO @ 640. Please let us know what you think and definitely share your results!! We would love to see other interpretations of this challenge (which we found to be REALLY challenging!) See you tomorrow (?) for day 3!


Day 1-Light

We wanted to try the ever-popular "painting with light", which you can find numerous tutorials about on Pinterest, Google, etc.  Camera settings - f/5, 1250 ISO, 8 second shutter speed-be sure to use a tripod and use manual mode to have complete control (being in the dark, you will have to manually focus too) Your settings may vary, depending on how much ambient light you have. Also remember that any words/letters you write have to be written backwards :) Try it out guys and post your shots in comments so we can check 'em out!  Have fun!


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